I am happy to report that some of our "unfinished business" is well on its way to becoming finished! Today my wonderfully amazing hubby patched the walls of the "new" bedroom with what I now know as drywall mud, which, incidentally, is necessary, since the walls were showing some studs where the cupboards tore pieces of the wall away. Tomorrow a second layer will go on and we will be able to proceed with sanding and painting. YAY!
We also picked a few color cards for the room, and since I love collecting them, my purse was full of chips for future wall colors for several rooms of our home, as well as the color for the front and back doors. Apparently I have passed down my obsession with paint to Alanna, our oldest, because she is requesting stripes on her wall and collected her own arsenal of paint cards, specific to her wants.
She WANTS black walls....we compromised on pink with black stripes. So we came home from the depot loaded down with several good pinks. Its now just a matter of getting it just right to go with the bedding....
Ive also used the sewing machine for my own purpose, and am really excited with the results of my new kitchen curtains. They are not completely finished, but I will show one valance as a teaser, just to prove Ive really been working at something.... I have eight windows to cover, and have 4 valances done so far, I still need to make eight panels out of semi-sheer red fabric as well.
This is a valance doing its thing, unfortunately the door is sporting a mismatched hue thanks to my efforts to change things; I used a red I wasn't sure about over chalk board paint, about a year ago. I so dislike indecision....Also, I slapped a rod up that wasn't the right size and its crooked since its squeezed between the frame. I promise you, my decorating efforts are not usually so....sloppy. The second picture shows the detail work on the top, and the third shows the bottom hem, and why you shouldn't lift your eyes from your work!